Tag: Upcycling

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7 alternative proteins you probably don’t know

7 alternative proteins you probably don’t know

The protein market is buzzing with new launches. As the world is not made only of traditional proteins, we bring here 7 alternative proteins that yo [...]
3 creative beer upcycling initiatives and 1 to avoid

3 creative beer upcycling initiatives and 1 to avoid

Are all upcycling initiatives equally valid? I've received this question several times along my food upcycling journey. My answer is: no, it's not bec [...]
Upcycled coffee pods or a future without them?

Upcycled coffee pods or a future without them?

Upcycling is great for dealing with unavoidable waste, but we always need to think: can this waste be avoided? 40,000 new coffee capsules are p [...]
How Petropolis group profited from upcycling R$ 24.5 million

How Petropolis group profited from upcycling R$ 24.5 million

Was it a miracle? Did you find a golden mine? Of course not, the group profited from upcycling because they invested in study, mentality change and re [...]
Innovation with tilapia: a world of new products

Innovation with tilapia: a world of new products

If you thought that tilapia was just the fish fillet for your dinner, you're wrong. Fish is versatile and there is a lot of innovation with tilapia. [...]
Sake? No! It’s Sachi, the tofu whey wine

Sake? No! It’s Sachi, the tofu whey wine

Sachi, the world's first soy alcoholic beverage, is a tofu whey wine. It has half the calories of regular grape wine and is rich in isoflavones. I [...]
Upcycle, shrinkflation and plant based…it’s all in the dictionary!

Upcycle, shrinkflation and plant based…it’s all in the dictionary!

This month Merriam-Webster dictionary added 370 new terms to its vocabulary. This helps us understand the world through words. They are from the te [...]
Not all glass is the same, this one is made from mussel shells

Not all glass is the same, this one is made from mussel shells

Glass is a material that everyone knows. How to make it more sustainable? One answer comes from an unlikely material: mussel shells. Glass is on the [...]
Where do cigarette butts go? Into the bricks!

Where do cigarette butts go? Into the bricks!

Did you know that cigarette butts can take years to decompose in nature and still release heavy metals that end up infiltrating the soil and waterways [...]
Startup transforms chicken feathers into thermal insulation

Startup transforms chicken feathers into thermal insulation

Did you know that feathers make up 5% of a chicken's weight? What to do with tons of chicken feathers left over on farms every day? The good news is a [...]
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