1 9 10 11 12 13 26 110 / 256 POSTS
Curcumin: the rising star of the food world

Curcumin: the rising star of the food world

Curcumin is a bioactive ingredient in turmeric and is also the basis of incredible products. Known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory propertie [...]
Health and convenience: they absolute reign in new products

Health and convenience: they absolute reign in new products

Convenient is not enough, it has to be tasty. Tasty is not enough, it must be healthy. Health and convenience, these are the rules in new products. Ar [...]
Orange is the new green: orange fabric is fashion!

Orange is the new green: orange fabric is fashion!

Developed in Italy by the startup of the same name, Orange Fiber is an orange fabric, made from citrus waste. The result is a "cream to dress", that i [...]
Green Banana Paper, the wallet made from banana fiber

Green Banana Paper, the wallet made from banana fiber

Waterproof, lightweight and with unique design. What if all this were accompanied by social and environmental sustainability? This is the proposal of [...]
Products of Tomorrow: how climate change will change our diet

Products of Tomorrow: how climate change will change our diet

What if we could buy tomorrow's food? This is the proposal of Products of Tomorrow, a store with products as they will be in the future, affected by c [...]
Biting nail: with these edible nail polishes, can we do it?

Biting nail: with these edible nail polishes, can we do it?

When kids want to paint their nails, what to do? Conventional nail polishes are dangerous for them, alternative for them to play are edible nail polis [...]
Scientists create method for pasteurized milk shelf life last more than 7 weeks

Scientists create method for pasteurized milk shelf life last more than 7 weeks

Imagine milk bag viable for 7 weeks without spoiling. This is now a reality. Meet this new method for pasteurized milk shelf life last more. From the [...]
It looks like tea, but it’s beef broth in innovative packaging

It looks like tea, but it’s beef broth in innovative packaging

Meat bouillon in cubes, powder, liquid... too common? What do you think of beef broth in innovative packaging? It may sound weird, but is totally make [...]
Innovation to spread on the bread

Innovation to spread on the bread

At snack time you only eat butter, jam and cheese? You should know that there is much more innovation to spread on the bread. Meet here new products t [...]
1 9 10 11 12 13 26 110 / 256 POSTS