Category: Leftovers & Waste

1 3 4 545 / 45 POSTS
Dress up food: food fabric (part 1)

Dress up food: food fabric (part 1)

Did you know that millions of tons of fabric end in the landfills around the world? Only in China is 20 million tons per year. Less than 15% of it is [...]
Can food leftovers be valuable?

Can food leftovers be valuable?

The United Nations estimates that, every year, a third of the world`s food is lost or wasted along the production chain. This means 1.3 billion tons p [...]
Tomatoes olive oil and other news

Tomatoes olive oil and other news

Tomatoes are raw materials of delicious products like ketchup and gravy and everyone knows it. That is to star in popular festivals such as "La Tomati [...]
Your future house made of food – or its leftovers

Your future house made of food – or its leftovers

It's not the candy home of Hansel and Gretel story, but your house may also be made out of food ... or its leftovers. One of the biggest environmenta [...]
Fruit leather: beautiful and sustainable fashion

Fruit leather: beautiful and sustainable fashion

Do you know how much does your leather jacket cost? No, I'm not talking about the price, I mean its environmental costs. Yes, it is expensive. We pres [...]
1 3 4 545 / 45 POSTS