Category: Technology

1 2 3 4 10 / 38 POSTS
Unilever invests US$120 million in alternative to palm oil

Unilever invests US$120 million in alternative to palm oil

It is urgent to find an alternative to palm oil. The unsustainability of its production chain is almost unknown to consumers, who have no idea what is [...]
Sugar for a sweeter … and lighter life!

Sugar for a sweeter … and lighter life!

Getting in shape is the terror of many people and it can be a tough process. But it can also be different, lighter. And innovation can help us. Start [...]
Innovation in instant coffee: a $ 10 billion opportunity

Innovation in instant coffee: a $ 10 billion opportunity

When talking about coffee, almost nobody remembers him. But it is a mistake to think that there is no innovation in instant coffee, the dispute for [...]
Indian scientists turn fish scales into renewable energy source

Indian scientists turn fish scales into renewable energy source

Brazilians consume an average of 10 kg of fish per year. In Latin America, fish consumption is expected to grow 33% by 2030. Imagine the amount of fis [...]
We want more coffee: the must-have coffee makers of all time

We want more coffee: the must-have coffee makers of all time

Who can reject a coffee with that aroma that fills our noses? For those who want more coffee, there are quicker and more unforgettable ways to get the [...]
New teeth within reach of a 3D printer

New teeth within reach of a 3D printer

Have you ever imagined never having to brush your teeth anymore? Well, someone not only imagined this but also works for this to happen in the near fu [...]
18 year old student creates bra that detects breast cancer

18 year old student creates bra that detects breast cancer

Breast cancer is what affects women the most in the world. The statistics are alarming, but maybe a bra can save our life. This is EVA proposal. Acco [...]
Augmented, mixed and virtual realities: how will they enter your life?

Augmented, mixed and virtual realities: how will they enter your life?

Imagine giving seniors with financial and mobility limitations the experience of traveling the world without getting out of bed. Or test the layout of [...]
Multisensory: how to change customer food experience

Multisensory: how to change customer food experience

 Multisensory experience: how this trend has come to tap to consumers interest and change their relationship with food. See here at Eat Innovation. D [...]
Blockchain: how the bitcoin technology came to rest on your plate

Blockchain: how the bitcoin technology came to rest on your plate

The path of food from its origin to the table is increasingly long and complex. This makes it very difficult to track it. There is a new weapon to tra [...]
1 2 3 4 10 / 38 POSTS